East Hampton, CT
24 hour Emergency Tree Work
Bucket Truck Work
Spider Lift
Storm Damage
CT Certified Arborist
Tree Climbing
Tree Removal
Tree Trimming
Lot Clearing
Tree Planting
Brush Clearing
Field Mowing
Tractor Work
Cat Rescue !

Safety First
At Sheehan Tree Removal, we take safety very seriously. Our lives depend on it and our customers count on it.
As a result, we reguarly implement safety checks on all our equipment and conduct basic safety meetings before every job. We take great pride in caring for our customers' private property and surrounding work areas. And while we love the goodness and beauty of every tree, we also know that some trees pose great risk. We'll always give an honest and professional assessment of each tree we evaluate.
Spider Lift
Our state-of-the-art Spider Lift is ready to work for you! The Spider Lift can access heights up to 83' and fit through a 3' gate so there are very few trees we cannot safely access. The epidemic of dying Ash and Oak trees in Connecticut has made it imperative to upgrade to equipment capable of handling dangerous, dead trees in hard to reach areas.